Sunday, December 29, 2019

Pet Overpopulation Epidemic Essay - 1518 Words

Persuasive Speech Topic: Pet Overpopulation Epidemic General Purpose: To persuade. Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that the public is to blame for the pet overpopulation epidemic. Central Idea: In order to control the overwhelming population of homeless pets, we need to stop throwing our â€Å"family friends† away. There are 1.5 dogs and cats put to sleep every second 4-6 million dogs and cats are euthanized every year, states the Humane Society. The pet overpopulation epidemic has become more than overwhelming. But who is at fault for the ever increasing number of homeless and euthanized pets each year? The public, government and breeders all have their hand in this catastrophic epidemic. So who is to blame for this†¦show more content†¦Later, most will end up Testing Out a different type of pet. The vast majority of people, who adopt a puppy or kitten, do not keep the animal for life. If this were to turn around and most people were to actually keep their pets through the good times and the bad, as they do their own children, the demand for these animals would go down. With less of a demand, breeders would not breed as many litters. Breeders are only breeding as many litters as they do, because people are buying them. The demand for a cute little puppy or kitten is great, because pe ople do not keep the animal for life. Animals are recycled. If a breeder had a litter and could not sell the puppies, they would not keep having litter after litter. People are buying them, so breeders are breeding them. In a perfect world, breeders would breed less and force people to adopt from an animal rescue, but this is not a perfect world. The solution lies with the general public educating themselves, supply and demand, thats the solution. Lessen the demand and the supply will, on its own, lessen. The power lies within each and every one of us. Scripted by Kim Sturla (of the San Mateo ordinance fame) and her continual cross-country junketing preaching her message: The problem is simple: we have too many dogs and cats. Too many for too few homes. Another contributing factor to this huge problem is government intervention. The state run dog pounds make it way took easy to unload the responsibility ofShow MoreRelatedHow to Save an Animal Life Essay1636 Words   |  7 PagesHow to Save a Life I remember when I was 11 years old and my dog, Happy, was sick with cancer. Since the moment we rescued Happy he was the sweetest, most energetic pet I had ever seen. He remained this way over the many years that we had him, hence, his name. I remember the day we decided it was time to let go. We took Happy to the veterinarian clinic and were taken into a little room. All four of us, my brother, my parents, and I, huddled around Happy as he was lying on the counter. The veterinarianRead More Post Plague Social, Economic, and Historical Characteristics of Chaucer’s Pilgrims2928 Words   |  12 Pagesthe body (Given-Wilson 97). The first epidemic began in 1347 and lasted through 1350. Subsequently, England suffered three centuries of the plague as it reappeared in 1361, 1369, 1374-1379, and 1390-1393, etc., putting a damper on population and economic growth. Between one third and one half of England’s entire population was wiped out due to the Black Plague of 1347-1350 (Given-Wilson 4). Geoffrey Chaucer (1342-1400), lived through the worst epidemics this world has seen. Growing up as a childRead MoreUrbanization of Lagos6093 Words   |  25 Pagesmaintain them. In Lagos, the indigenous housing was unplanned and left to develop haphazardly, with houses built quite close together. Such overcrowded, unhealthy housing and poor environmental conditions stimulated the rapid spread of influenza epidemics and bubonic plague which ravaged the city between 1924 and 1930. The lack of housing facilities in Lagos is immense. People who are said to be earning between the marks of low to middle income all have to live in very crowded and poorly built housesRead MoreFamily Tradition and Theories4437 Words   |  18 Pagesthrough relationship triangles. Societal Emotional Process is the last concept developed by Bowen. It alludes to the tendency of individuals in the society to be restless and unstable at times than others. Natural pressures like epidemics, overpopulation, and shortage of natural resources, financial forces, and lack of abilities for living in a different world are all potential pressures that add to a relapse in the society. The history of our family has created a template that has shaped

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Process Of Globalization With The Technological...

The process of globalization with the aid of technological advancement and communicational revolution has reached to the new heights where the exchange knowledge and ideas have made people interconnected to each other. For many globalizations is a positive sign for the world to be interconnected in such manner and with such ease where for many it is not a very good merging pattern because of the inequalities and threat to distinctive identities etc. For the developed world, with other benefits, it has brought the cheap labor to its utilization. And they have utilized that cheap labor to its maximum usage. Like many other big cities of the world, Dubai could not resist to the advancements of the twenty first century. History of the city†¦show more content†¦Dubai brought new opportunities of for everyone who dared to venture there at that time. The city has been an important port and trade route to Europe and Middle East in the 19th century. After that, it allowed the immigrants to invest and settle with the tax levied on them being used for the public welfare and revenue generation. The discovery of oil in 1966, enhanced the economic and trade activities in the city and in 1971, it opened the Dubai International Airport for the further facilitation of the people coming to the land and encouraged the administration to open another international route in 1979 (Rasheed, 2014). It did not stop there and in 1985, Dubai launched its own airline in order to relieve the transport difficulties faced by both the visiting and domestic business community. Today, it is one of the most reliable airlines in the world Dubai today: Dubai has become one of the globalized cities of the world, like London, New York, Tokyo, in being the hub of immigration and the world trade with infrastructure and the tourism industry thriving with each passing year and ensuring a huge revenue and a big portion in its Gross Domestic Products (GDP). Theimportance of the city can be gauged by the fact that more than thirty planes fly to the United States from Dubai in one day making it one of the few countries in doing so. The government of Dubai is

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Prevalence of Production Sharing Contracts in Oil and Gas Free Essays

Abstract Introduction Background The nature of the environment in which a business operates determines how it engages other players in the sector. This, therefore, determines the types of contracts that businesses get into. The oil and gas industry relies on contracts to carry out its activities just like other business entities do. We will write a custom essay sample on The Prevalence of Production Sharing Contracts in Oil and Gas or any similar topic only for you Order Now The oil and gas industry mainly engages production sharing contracts, driven by the numerous stakeholder interests the sector has. Research Topic The Prevalence of Production Sharing Contracts in Oil and Gas (Case Study of Sonangol, an Angolan Oil Company) Aim The aim of the study is to establish the prevalence of production sharing contracts in the oil and gas industry, with particular interest in Sonangol, an oil company in Angola. Objectives The objectives of the study are: To determine the nature of the oil and gas business in Africa To determine the types of contracts administered in the oil and gas sector To determine the share of production sharing contracts relative to other types of contracts To establish the reasons for adoption of production sharing contracts at Sonangol Research questions What types of contracts does Sonangol engage Are production sharing contracts prevalent at Sonangol Why does Sonangol adopt production sharing contracts What benefits and challenges do Sonangol get by using production sharing contracts Literature Review Key Words Contracts, Production Sharing Contracts, Effects, Prevalence, Economics, International Oil Companies, National Oil Companies, Angola Key Literature Bindemann, K., 1999. Production Sharing Agreements: An Economic Analysis This source touches on the economics of production sharing agreements with reference to oil and gas in Angola and the Middle East. Bindemann, K. 2000. The Response of Oil Contracts to Extreme Price Movements. Discussion Paper. Department of Economics (University of Oxford). Fattouh, B. and Darbouche, H., 2010. North African oil and foreign investment in changing market conditions. Energy Policy, 38(2), pp.119-1129. Gaps in literature Most literature refers to situations in North Africa and the Middle East and not Angola or Sonangol. Most available literature is more than five years old. Chances are that the conditions have changed, rendering them irrelevant to current circumstances This section presents an analysis of existing literature on Oil and Gas in Africa and Angola in particular, while studying the types of contracts that oil and gas companies utilize. This is broken down into subtopics as follows: Oil and gas in Africa This section provides a general overview of the oil and gas industry, highlighting the major players: companies, countries, communities, and other stakeholders. History of the oil and gas industry in Africa Challenges in the African oil and gas industry Oil and gas in Angola This section provides an overview of the Angolan oil and gas industry, highlighting the major players: companies, communities, and other stakeholders. History of the oil and gas industry in Angola Challenges in the Angolan oil and gas industry Merits of oil and gas to the Angolan Economy Contracting in the oil and gas industry Types of contracts administered in the global oil and gas industry Comparison between contracting in Africa and the Middle East Production Sharing Contracts Identify the parties involved Terms and conditions Benefits/demerits Contracting at Sonangol (Types of contracts) Encompasses all types of contractual agreements Sonangol engages Criteria Sonangol uses to select the type of contractual agreements it uses Ratio of contracts based on type Production sharing contracts at Sonangol The nature of production sharing contracts at Sonangol Parties involved Responsibility Terms and conditions Research Methodology The study will follow the constructivist approach and rely on the analysis of secondary data that will be obtained both from the private and public domain. Of particular interest will be records from Sonangol and researches published in journals. The research will use catalogues to locate relevant books and indexes to locate appropriate periodicals. In addition, the study will use the Internet to find relevant electronic resources and databases. An analysis of the books, periodicals, and databases would follow to ascertain the authority and quality of information. Data analysis will be quantitative. Findings i.Reasons for the adoption of production sharing contracts at Sonangol ii.Advantages of production sharing contracts at Sonangol iii.Disadvantages of production sharing contracts at Sonangol iv.Comparison between production sharing contracts and other types of contracts at Sonangol Discussion Discuss the reasons for the prevalence of production sharing contracts at Sonangol, their merits, demerits, and challenges. Conclusion Summary of the suitability of production sharing contracts at Sonangol. Are they the best for the oil and gas industryShould they be upheld? References List of all works cited in the study Appendices Relevant documents, tables, and graphs How to cite The Prevalence of Production Sharing Contracts in Oil and Gas, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

;One Less Lonely Girl; by Justin Beiber free essay sample

Do you guys remember that song that would come on the radio, and youd just switch the station as soon as it came on? Me plus you.Imma tell you one time The pop beat was annoying as heck, but as soon as it started to get more airplay, it got more of your earplay too? And Imma be you one guy, youll be number one girl, always making time for you One Time by Justin Beiber? Admit it, you know you shut your bedroom door and turn up that song at maximum volume when it comes on. Hey, I know I sure did when the song grew on me! But this review isnt about that song. Its about his follow-up song, One Less Lonely Girl. I honestly thought this song was going to be a huge flop when I heard that that was the name of his second single. We will write a custom essay sample on ;One Less Lonely Girl; by Justin Beiber or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I figured both songs would send the same message. I was wrong. Last week, I was listening to Fresh 40 on AOL Radio and this song came on. By the time the song was done, I was hooked, singing that catchy tune everyday. Its a really simple song with a cute message from a cute up-and-coming pop star. In my opinion its one of the songs that any girl in this nation could sway along to and wave their hands in the air to.