Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Religion in Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Religion in Society - Essay Example Several religious organizations have been put up. These organizations are based on issues like abortion, family planning, gay marriages and education to disadvantaged children in the society. In the United States, the religious organizations are obtaining a lot of financial support from the political leaders by taking advantage of the development funds that each political leader receives (Wald, & Allison, 24). On the issue of elections, the fundamentalist Christians strongly support the association between politics and religious since they feel that when Christians are elected to participate in political leadership they will lead to a positive transformation of the government policies through application of Christianity principles. In the 2002 and 2004 election for instance, the evangelists united and voted for George W. Bush (Wald, & Allison, 210). The Muslims on the other hand have no distinction between the Muslim religious leaders and Muslim Government officials. In countries lik e Iran, the president takes orders from the Islamic Ayatollah. In the political and religious platforms, the most common feature is that the leaders want to take full control of people in all aspects. The strategy for success of these leaders is based on their ability to convince more people, in order to make them famous. In religion, the religious leaders are working towards having more converts while in the political, the political leaders are working towards having more voters in order to maintain their leadership roles. The religious leaders have authority over the converts; thus, they can influence the congregation in political matters by advising them to avoid voting for a particular political leader by using religious doctrines (Wald, & Allison, 97). Religion has an impact on legislation, because the major function of the government is to pass rules that are beneficial to the citizens.

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