Sunday, May 17, 2020

Biology Cellular Respiration And Fermentation - 1548 Words

Name: HyunSeon Do (Jane) ID#: 967201 General Biology 111L: Tuesday 12-2:30 pm Date: 10/26/15 Cellular Respiration and Fermentation Introduction: Cellular respiration are sets of metabolic reactions and processes that are taking place inside the cells that converts bio-chemical energies from food/nutrients into adenosine triphosphate ATP and after that release waste products. Energies are the forms of equally shared electron as reactant, and the products which form equally shared covalent bond, and during this process the potential energy was lost. So the respiration is the main way for a cell to gain useful energy to fuel its cellular activities. Most of the reactions occur in series of biological steps, a lot of these are redox reaction of themselves. We can define fermentation as a metabolic process that changes glucose into acids, gases and alcohol. There are two types of fermentation s. These are alcohol fermentation and lactic acid fermentation. These fermentations occur in yeast and bacteria, as well as in the muscle cells, after excessive use of muscle cells, cells are starved for oxygen, this is where lactic acid buil dup in the muscle cells. The process of fermentation normally happens without oxygen, and it does not go through the electron transport chain, this is the difference between fermentation and cellular respiration. During cellular respiration there are three main steps involved. First glycolysis, second the Citrix acid cycle, the third the electronShow MoreRelatedâ€Æ'Scie206 Biology Unit 2ip Photosynthesis Respiration1337 Words   |  6 PagesCarrie Cunnien SCIE 206 Biology January 20, 2013 IP 2 â€Æ' Abstract Some of the things that will be discussed are how photosynthesis and respiration are linked in order to provide you with energy from the food we eat. The absence of oxygen some cells and organisms can use glycolysis coupled to fermentation to produce energy to your cells. 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A1721816.1268 Words   |  6 Pagesthere is an increase in oxygen, the more electrons that flow to the cathode. (Walker, 1990) Material and Methods The practical used to conduct the experiment was derived from â€Å"Practical Enquiry #4 – The Concepts of Photosynthesis and Respiration.† (2017), from the biology course Molecules, Genes and Cells. The light intensities for this practical were 800, 350, 150, 60 and 0  µmoles photons m-2s-1. To maintain a pH of 7.2-7.6, 4mL of a buffer of hydroxyethyl-piperazineethane-sulfonic acid (HEPES) wasRead MoreObserving The Metabolic And Fermentation Rate Of Yeast2252 Words   |  10 PagesIn the first part of the experiment, the goal is to observe the metabolic and fermentation rates of yeast. The class worked together to determine the specific measurements of gas that was produced over time using the fermentation tubes. During the second portion of this lab, Cellular Respiration was observed in a redox reaction converting succinate into fumarate. 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In aerobic respiration, cells oxidize organic compounds, obtaining the energy from the chemicals bonds which can later be converted to ATP. Then we have aerobic bacteria which is one of the most important organism in the composting process, breaking down organic material through aerobic respiration. In this case with leaves they are made up of cellulose which is made of glucose molecules.The vast majorityRead More`` Fuel Lines Of Tumors Are New Target `` By Andrew Pollack861 Words   |  4 Pagesarticle, the author explains that most healthy cells primarily undergo aerobic respiration to generate ATP. Dr. Warburg, the German biochemist and Nobel Prize winner who first noticed the glucose metabolism of tumors in the 1920s, noticed that tumors tended to use anaerobic pathway even when o xygen was present despite less efficiency at generating ATP. According to Matthew G. Vander Heiden, assistant professor of biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one of theories in explaining this

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