Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Recruitment and Selection Human Resources †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Recruitment and Selection Human Resources. Answer: Introduction In the present business state of affairs, one of the key issues being faced by contemporary business organizations is the recruiting and selecting right employees for the right job. This issue is most prominent for the multinational organizations, which have their employee base from across the world. With the increase in the diversity in the global population long with increase in rate of migration among the countries, business organizations have to consider the cultural difference in recruiting the employees (Bryson, James Keep, 2013). Moreover, in the current business scenario, human resource management is one of the key aspects for the potential talent pool. This is due to the reason that, with the emergence of several business entities in the market, employees nowadays consider various aspects before opting for the chosen organization. Qantas is one of the oldest and largest airliners in the Australian region. They are considered as the largest airliner in terms of fleet size (Our Company | Qantas, 2017). Currently, they have their operations in majority of the cities around the world with having diversified workforce. Airliner industry is one of those industries, which truly deals with the diversified requirement of the customers around the world along with maintaining diversified workforce across the world. The key objective of this report is to discuss about the challenges being faced by Qantas in recruiting their new employees. Various influencing factors will also be discussed along with initiation of different strategies to overcome these challenges. Different secondary research materials are being used for this report. Challenges being faced by Qantas in recruitment As discussed earlier, Qantas is facing several issues in their recruitment and selection process. This is due to the reason that, they are having their operational facilities from around the world and in different countries. Thus, they have to recruit employees from different cultural and social backgrounds, which lead to the origination of diversity in the workforce (Paludi, 2012). Moreover, the demographic status in different countries is varied and Qantas have to adhere with this. The following sections will discuss about the various challenges that they are facing in the recent time. One of the key issues being faced by them in their process of recruitment is the maintenance of the diversity in their workforce. This is due to the fact, they are in the need of employees for their operation facilities around the world and thus, they recruit and select people from the respective locations. However, this caused difference in the cultural opinions among the employees (Kawar, 2012). The newly appointed employees may find it hard to get adjust with the working environment, which is culturally different. Thus, it becomes difficult for the organization to select employees according to the existing organizational culture. Difference of opinions occurs among the managerial levels due to the reason that, the upper level management and the lower level management is having difference in their culture and social perception. According to the concept of international human resource management, ethnocentric approach is being followed by Qantas. According to this approach, employees are being selected based on the requirement from both the home and host country. Thus, the management of Qantas in different countries is having diversified workforce. It is having a negative implication on their decision making process (Allen Shanock, 2013). This is due to the reason that, the recruited employees from the home countries are not accustomed with the social cultures in the host country and on the other hand, employees from the host country are not aware about the organizational culture that is being prevailed from the time of origination. Thus, Qantas is facing issues in managing the human resources between the home and host countries. The existing workforce of Qantas like other organizations is ageing and there is a need for continuous process of recruitment to fill the gap. However, the recruitment of the new employees creates generation gap between the existing employees and the newly appointed employees. This is due to the reason that, the ageing workforce in Qantas is from the previous generation, whereas, the newly appointed employees are from the current younger generation. Thus, there is a difference of attitudes and opinions being occurred among the employees (Beck, 2014). This made them difficult for the organization to employs young people without being affecting the approaches of the existing employees. Demographic status in the host country As discussed earlier, Qantas is having their operational facilities in different countries around the world. However, the demographic status of these countries is different. Some of the countries especially the developing countries are having huge amount of skilled and young employees (Budhwar Debrah, 2013). However, on the other hand, some of the countries are having shortage of labor supply due to less population. Thus, the recruitment process in these countries gets hampered. In the countries with having less supply of human resources, Qantas is being forced to employ employees from other countries and this in turn creates the cultural and social difference in the workforce. As discussed earlier, developing countries are having adequate supply of skilled human resources and due to their huge population, the cost of human resources are also lower. On the other hand, cost of employees in majority of the developed countries including the home country of Qantas, Australia is having higher cost of human resources (Armstrong Taylor, 2014). Thus, the organization is facing dilemma due to the fact that, employing from the developed countries will incur more cost and on the other hand, employing from the developing countries and transferring them in the vacant position will create differences with the existing employees. In the above sections, the challenges being faced by Qantas in their process of recruitment are being discussed. Now, the following sections will discuss about different strategies that can be implemented by them in order to overcome the identified challenges. Effective human resource management One of the key issues being identified is the emergence of difference of attitude and opinions between the existing and newly appointed employees. Thus, effective measures of human resource management have to be implemented in order to reduce the issues. It includes providence of the training for the existing employees to make aware about the requirement of new and young employees. On the other hand, providence of training to the newly appointed employees will help them to make them adjusted with the prevailing organizational culture. It is true that Qantas is facing issues with their diversified workforce. However, according to Barak, (2016), diversity is having its own set of advantages for the organizations. One of the key advantages is the generation of innovative ideas and new ideas from the employees. Moreover, knowledge sharing process is more effective in the diversified workforce. Thus, Qantas can have the access of different instances of other organizations where they are effectively maintaining the diversity in the workforce. It will help them to identify the key areas for improvement and modifying accordingly. Job design for the employees plays an important role in maintaining the level of involvement of the employees in the organization. Thus, the job profile in the organization should be designed in such a way that it will create the maximum bonding and connectivity between the new and existing employees. In addition, the job can be designed in such a way that, existing employees can guide the new employees in the workplace. Thus, it will help the new employees in adjusting with the existing organizational culture. According to Wood, Van Veldhoven, Croon, de Menezes, (2012), effectively designing the job and employing right people for the right profile will help the organization to reduce or prevent the issue generated from the side of the new employees. Employer branding This report have earlier discussed about the issue of inadequate supply of labor in some countries. Thus, to overcome this issue, one of the key measures will be the enhancement of the employer branding (App, Merk Buttgen, 2012). The more positive will be the employer branding, the more will be their attractiveness among the potential talents pool. Thus, it will eventually increase the rate the rate of applicants and options for them. According to Leekha Chhabra and Sharma, (2014), positive employer branding will not only increase the attractiveness among the potential applicants but also it will create positive impression among the existing employees. Thus, the attrition rate will get reduced and need for new recruitment process will be less. Advertisement through the use of different online job portals and social media will help Qantas to effectively reach out to the potential candidates. In the current scenario, the majority of the younger generation is being available in the social media and thus, job advertisement through social media will help to enhance the talent pool for them (Kapp, Peters Oliver, 2013). Online job portals are also having more penetration in the market compared to the traditional mediums. Thus, involvement of these mediums will help Qantas to enhance their talent pool. According to Sivertzen, Nilsen Olafsen, (2013), use of social media will further help the organizations in enhancing their employer branding among the potential candidates. Conclusion This report have discussed about the issues that are being faced by Qantas in recruiting and selecting their new employees. One of the key issues being identified is the cultural difference among the employees. Another issue is the gap in the generation between the existing and new employees. These issues are creating challenges for them in effective internal management. Thus, in this report, various recommendations are being discussed, which will help the Qantas in overcoming these issues. One of the measures will be the initiation of effective human resource management. It is been evaluated that, initiation of effective human resource management will help them in providing training to the existing as well as the new employees. Thus, they will be more aware about one another and the gap between them can be reduced. Another preventive measure is the enhancement of the employer branding. It is been discussed that, positive employer branding will help them in attracting more potential talent, which will reduce the issue of inadequate supply of new candidates. Thus, it is been recommended that, effective implementation of the discussed recommendations will help them in overcoming the identified issues and have the right people for the right job. Reference Allen, D. G., Shanock, L. R. (2013). 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